Apple: Antonovka Kamenichka

A tart green apple, with yellow crisp flesh that is perfect for baking!
- Vigour: High
- Precociousness: Medium
- Resistances: Fire blight
- Size of fruit: Medium to large
- Flowering: Mid-spring
- Fruiting: Mid-autumn
- Cropping: Medium to heavy
- Ploidy: Diploid
- Fruit colour: Green
- Flesh colour: Yellow
- Leaf colour: Green
- Parentage: Antonovka
- Descendants: Unknown
- Biennialism: None observed
- Growth habit: Standard
- Self-fertile: No
First documented in 1889 as a chance seedling of Antonovka in Kursk, Russia.
It is quite tart, but still contains high sugar levels, and keeps it's shape well when cooked, making for an excellent baking apple.
It's notable for being a fire blight resistant apple variety, this as well as being extremely cold hardy, and nearly true to seed, has meant that the Antonovka Kamenichka has become a popular rootstock in areas that require cold hardiness.
NOTE: I have yet to try this apple directly, having only grafted it in 2021, and so have relied on others for information related to this variety.
This entry will be updated as the tree grows and bears.