Apple: Gala

A well known supermarket apple, that when eaten fresh is extremely flavourful!
- Vigour: Medium
- Precociousness: High (from scions)
- Resistances: Mildew resistant
- Size of fruit: Medium
- Flowering: Mid-spring (lasting several weeks)
- Fruiting: Autumn
- Cropping: Medium to high
- Ploidy: Diploid
- Fruit colour: Red
- Flesh colour: White
- Leaf colour: Green
- Parentage: Golden Delicious x Kidd's Orange Red
- Descendants: Jazz, Envy, Kanzi
- Biennialism: Strongly observed
- Growth habit: Upright spreading
- Self-fertile: Yes
Created in the 1930s as part of Hutton Kidd's research at his test orchard in Wairarapa Valley, New Zealand, but unfortunately had not matured by the time of his passing in 1945.
First described by Dr. Don McKenzie of the New Zealand’s Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, and commercially introduced as Gala in 1962.
Though self-fertile it (like other self-fertile varieties) performs far better with other pollinators nearby. It's also notable for having a very extended flowering period, which makes Gala an excellent pollinator for other varieties.
Has exceptional storage life (5+ months), but quickly loses it's best flavours after being picked.

NOTE: I have only tried this apple directly, and so have relied on others for information related to this variety as it grows.
This entry will be updated if I graft or purchase a tree in future.