Apple: Golden Delicious

Sweet, crisp, juicy, and very aromatic - A classic modern apple!
- Vigour: Medium
- Precociousness: High
- Resistances: None
- Size of fruit: Medium to large
- Flowering: Early
- Fruiting: Early
- Cropping: Medium
- Ploidy: Diploid (?)
- Fruit colour: Yellow
- Flesh colour: White
- Leaf colour: Green
- Parentage: Grimes Golden x Golden Reinette
- Descendants: Dorsett Golden Apple (debated), Ambrosia, Gala, Pink Lady
- Biennialism: None observed
- Growth habit: Standard
- Self-fertile: No
A chance seedling discovered by J Mullins on their family farm located in West Virginia (USA) in 1891, with the rights bought by Stark Brothers Nursery in 1914.
It has a strong aroma when ripe, and is tolerant of both hot and cold weather, and the apples store for up to 5 months.
It has susceptibility to most apple diseases, and carries no resistance to woolly aphids or codling moth, as such it is near mandatory to graft this variety to a highly resistant rootstock, and may still require higher dosage rates of pesticides to ensure healthy crops.
It is noted for being quite precocious, and as such has been used extensively in breeding programs, having 30+ named commercial varieties, with the most notable being the Gala, and Pink Lady, varieties.

NOTE: I have yet to try this apple directly, having only purchased a tree in 2021, and so have relied on others for information related to this variety.
This entry will be updated as the tree grows and bears.