Apple: Granny Smith

One of, if not the most famous green apple. Sweet, tart, and highly flavoured it's a favourite world over for baking.
- Vigour: Medium to high
- Precociousness: Low
- Resistances: Highly susceptible to Fire blight, resistant to apple rust
- Size of fruit: Medium - large
- Flowering: Mid-spring
- Fruiting: Late winter
- Cropping: Medium - high
- Ploidy: Diploid
- Fruit colour: Green
- Flesh colour: White
- Leaf colour: Green
- Parentage: French Crab x Unknown
- Descendants: Pink Lady
- Biennialism: Noted when crop loads are unthinned
- Growth habit: Tall and spreading (moderately "weeping")
- Self-fertile: Yes
A chance seedling, named for it's discoverer Maria Smith, whom had planted several seeds from the apple French Crab. It was marketed locally by the Smith family, but was not know outside their local area until after the eponymous Granny Smith had passed, and was not a commercially significant variety until the mid 1900s.
It has a very distinct rounded conical shape, with clean green skin, and noticeable white lenticels. It's highly aromatic, and has a brix sweetness score average of 11, offset considerably by it's famously high acid content. For these reasons many consider it one of, if no the best pie apple.
It is also noteworthy that the fruit has one of the highest storage lives (exceeded only by it's seed parent French Crab), storing for up to 6 months, a presumed side effect of being an extremely late hanging apple.

NOTE: I have only eaten the apple, but have not grown the tree directly, and so have relied on external sources for information.
This entry will be updated as the tree grows and bears.