Apple: Ambrosia

Crisp, extremely sweet, and highly scented apple, notable for apples reaching up to 900 grams!
- Vigour: Medium
- Precociousness: High
- Resistances: Highly susceptible to scab
- Size of fruit: Medium to large
- Flowering: Mid-spring
- Fruiting: Late autumn
- Cropping: Heavy
- Ploidy: Diploid
- Fruit colour: Red and yellow
- Flesh colour: White
- Leaf colour: Green
- Parentage: Starking Delicious x Golden Delicious
- Descendants: Unknown
- Biennialism: None observed, but crops are strongly thinned
- Growth habit: Upright spur bearing
- Self-fertile: No
Discovered as a chance seedling in 1987 by Sally and Wilfred Mennell of Cawston, Canada, and brought to market in 1991.
It's known for its extremely sweet taste, it's honey flavour notes, and it's large size.
Also noted as being highly precocious (the original tree bore fruit in under 4 years), they will flower in their first and second year when grafted, but require extensive thinning to keep from damaging themselves by over bearing.

NOTE: I have only tried the apple but have not grown a tree, and so have relied on others for information related to this variety.
This entry will be updated if I grow/buy a tree.