Apple: Envy

Sweet, large, perfumed and delicious!
- Vigour: Medium
- Precociousness: Low
- Resistances: Moderate to high in most known apple diseases
- Size of fruit: Medium to large
- Flowering: Mid-spring
- Fruiting: Mid-autumn
- Cropping: Heavy
- Ploidy: Diploid
- Fruit colour: Red with yellow patches
- Flesh colour: Yellow
- Leaf colour: Green
- Parentage: Royal Gala x Braeburn
- Descendants: Unknown
- Biennialism: None observed
- Growth habit: Standard spreading
- Self-fertile: No
Developed by the Horticulture and Food Research Institute of New Zealand at Havelock North, New Zealand in 1985 under the code name "Scilate", and first brought to market as Envy in 2009.
It is large, with prominent red watercolour streaks across a yellow base apple, and noticeable lenticels. It has a strong fruity-floral smell, and crisp yellow flesh.
They keep for up to 3 months in standard storage, and have been noted for their ability to resist flesh browning for many hours.
Highly disease resistant, it bears heavily if not thinned, and thinning is required to encourage fruit to reach their full size as well as protect trees from over cropping damage.

NOTE: I have only tried the apple, and so have relied on others for information related to this variety.
This entry will be updated if I grow/buy a tree, as it grows.