Apple: Lady in the Snow

A small late hanging apple, that is sweet, tangy, and has hints of strawberry.
- Vigour: Medium
- Precociousness: Medium
- Resistances: Moderately resistant to Mildew
- Size of fruit: Medium
- Flowering: Late spring
- Fruiting: Late Autumn to mid-winter
- Cropping: High (must be thinned to avoid biennialism)
- Ploidy: Diploid
- Fruit colour: Red
- Flesh colour: White
- Leaf colour: Green
- Parentage: Unknown
- Descendants: McIntosh (speculated)
- Biennialism: Noted, but avoidable with thinning
- Growth habit: Standard spreading
- Self-fertile: No
Small soft-textured fruits with noted apple aroma when ripe, that hang well to the tree until mid-winter. Best as fresh eating apples, and famous for their notes of strawberry flavour.
This is one of the few varieties in the world that has a high chance of growing true-to-type from seeds. A trait that led to it being one of the most common apples grown in French-America in the mid 1700s, along with it's ability to be cold-stored for up to three month.

NOTE: I have yet to try this apple directly, having only grafted it in 2021, and so have relied on others for information related to this variety.
This entry will be updated as the tree grows and bears.